Calendar & Local Dances

Society Dates 2023-2024

For details of summer 2023 events see Next Dance Evening page

Autumn Term Dates: 7 September - 21 December 2023

7 September 2023     Season starts

16 September             Dance at Northey Avenue hosted by Epsom
21 October                   Dance at St.Andrew's church, Northey Avenue, Cheam, Sutton SM2 7HF hosted by Surbiton -Bring & share supper
30 November              St Andrew's Evening - Bring & share supper
21 December              Christmas party (drinks and nibbles provided)
28 December              NO DANCING

Spring Term Dates: 4 January - 21 March 2024

6 January 2024      Bramley Hill Charity Dance at  St.Andrew's church, Northey Avenue, Cheam, Sutton SM2 7HF hosted by Surbiton - Bring & Share supper.                                                      Minicrib below.  Video list here:

11 January   Bring a friend!  Introduce a friend to Scottish dancing in the New Year
25 January             NO DANCING (due to Burns Supper the next day)
26 January             Burns Supper and dance (held at Claygate Village Hall)    
                                    Minicrib Download below.
                                    Video list here

21 March                  Spring Event - Bring & share supper
28 March    NO DANCING (church in use Maundy Thursday)

Summer Term Dates: 4 April - 27 June 2024

9 May                          NO DANCING (church in use Ascension Day)

16 May                       AGM with free evening of dancing afterwards
30 May     Stewart Murray memorial evening
20 June     Live music with Dave Hall

22 June (Saturday) Family Ceilidh at St Mark's Church Hall - all welcome with children / grandchildren

27 June                       End of season party - Bring & share supper       

SurbitonCrib Burns 2024.pdf

Local Dance Cribs TBA