Payment by card only on the door or online in advance. We can no longer accept cash.
You can pay in advance for the whole Autumn Term £57.60 (with 10% discount). Annual membership of £10 is also due in September. To pay for both together (£67.60) online click here or pay by card at the door on first Thursday of term 5 September.
If you prefer pay as you go, it's £10 membership and then £4 per week. To pay your £10 membership online click here or pay by card at the door. To pay £4 online for weekly dancing click here or pay by card at the door.
Time: 8pm - 10pm every Thursday (except Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Ascension and summer break).
Venue: St Mark's Church Hall, Surbiton KT6 4UG
Please read our COVID guidelines before attending.
Our programme for Thursday 10 October. MC: Lindsey Rousseau
1. Good Hearted Glasgow (J 8 x32) Peter Knapman Guide to SCD (ex- Collins)
2. The Rutland Reel (R 8 x40) Bk 48
3. The Singing Sands (S3x32) 3C set Barry Priddey Silver Rose
4. Inchmickery (J 5 x32) Bk 53
5. The Clansman (R 8 x32) Bk 32
6. Jean Martin of Aberdeen (S 3 x32) RSCDS 3/2006
7. Clutha (R 4 x48) Bk 31
8. Mrs Stewart’s Jig (J 8 x32) Bk 35
9. The Gentleman (S 8x32) Bk 35
10. Black Mountain Reel (R 5 x32) Popular dances vol 2
11. The Reel of the Royal Scots (R8x32) leaflet
Round Reel of Eight (R88) Bk 27
The Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow (J 8 x32) Bk 3
MC Rota:
Date MCs Feature Dance TTT - Third Thursday Tuition
10 Oct - Lindsey
Singing Sands
17 Oct - Jenny / Alan
Singing Sands
24 Oct - Judith / Evelyn
Singing Sands
31 Oct - Libby / Evelyn
Singing Sands - Music by Dave Hall
7 Nov - Jim Cook
Toast to the Mousies
14 Nov - Deb / Alan Toast to the Mousies
21 Nov - David / Evelyn
Toast to the Mousies TTT
28 Nov - St Andrews Party - Jenny / Ruth * 7.30pm start
5 Dec - Deb /Pat
Toast to the Mousies
12 Dec - Lindsey MC choice
19 Dec - Christmas Party - Ruth /
* 7.30pm start
THIRD THURSDAY TUITION (TTT) - 7.30 - 8pm tuition each 3rd Thursday of the month (not December) with our RSCDS teachers Judith & Jenny.
All welcome - come along and practise steps and formations before the social dancing starts at 8pm
Safety: Surbiton & District Caledonian Society exists to promote the teaching and enjoyment of Scottish country dancing. To do this in a safe manner, the Society uses qualified instructors to teach the basic skills to new and less-experienced dancers. Social dancing may be led by qualified instructors or by experienced dancers or club members. The Society takes care to see that any premises used are free from hazards, and has a risk assessment in place, which is reviewed by the Committee every 12 months, or more frequently if circumstances change.
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