
Membership Information

  • Membership costs £10 per year (or part of a year)  Click here to pay this online. 
  • Membership year runs from the beginning of September until the end of June
  • Members pay only £4 per night for the regular Thursday evening dances or  one term in advance for a small discount
  • Members have a vote at the AGM
  • We are open to new members! You can become a member at any time during the year.
    Just come along to one of our Thursday evening sessions and ask.

Health & Exercise

Surbiton & District Caledonian Society is a social dancing club, and people take part at their own risk. Please enjoy the dancing, but respect your own limits, and be mindful of other dancers: Scottish Country dancing involves some quick turns and changes of direction, requiring good balance and a reasonable level of fitness. We believe Scottish Country dancing is great for our health and well-being, but if you have any concerns about your fitness, please consult your GP or other health professional.

Membership Information
  • Membership £10 per year 
  • Year starts in Sept
  • £4 per Thursday evening

Privacy Notice  

Surbiton & District Caledonian Society complies with General Data Protection Regulations.  Read our Privacy Notice.