Privacy Notice

On joining the Society, Members are asked to provide their contact details. 
The General Data Protection Regulations (which became effective May 2018) require that the Society also asks Members to state how they wish the Society to contact them and to set out in a Privacy Notice how this information is stored and managed.
Each Member’s details, including their approved method for making contact, are recorded on the Membership Application Form. The Forms are held by the Society’s Secretary (the data controller) who transfers each member’s details to a password protected spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is copied to the Society’s Treasurer.
The purpose of holding this information is to enable the Society to keep Members informed on Society activities and to communicate on matters such as membership fees, event ticket costs etc.
The Society keeps records of attendances at events for accounting purposes and to be able to gauge the level of support for individual events. For reporting purposes, this information is anonymised so that individual attendance records are not collated.
Each Member gives their approval to how the Society communicates with them when they complete the Membership Application Form. This approval (the legal basis for communication) can be withdrawn at any time by completing an Approval Withdrawal Form available from the Secretary. The Secretary is responsible for recording the requested changes and for storing the Approval Withdrawal Form.
In addition to contact details, the Society will also acquire bank details when payments are made by bank transfer or cheque. The Society undertakes never to sell or swap a Member’s personal details with any other organisation. Should your image appear in any photograph that the Society wishes to use for marketing or publicity purposes, the Society will seek your permission beforehand to use the photograph.
May 2018  
Surbiton & District Caledonian Society